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Su Zhaoxian

Educational Background

2015.4 - 2019.12, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Materials Physics and Chemistry, PhD

2017.9 - 2019.9, Northeastern University, Electronic Engineering, Joint Training PhD

2012.9 - 2015.4, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Materials Physics and Chemistry, Master

2008.9 - 2012.7, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Materials Physics, Bachelor

Work Experience

2020.1 - Present, Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Optoelectronics, Special Associate Researcher

2020.1 - 2023.6, Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Optoelectronics, Postdoctoral

Personal Profile

Su Zhaoxian, male, born in December 1989 in Baoding, Hebei, PhD, joined the School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology in 2020 as an Assistant Professor (Special Associate Researcher). He has been engaged in scientific research in the fields of micro-nano optics, electromagnetic metamaterials, and topological photonics for a long time. His main research directions include optical metasurfaces and topological photonic crystals. He has published more than ten SCI papers as the first author in international and domestic journals such as Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Photonics, Optics Express, and Optics Letters. He serves as a reviewer for academic journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, and Scientific Reports.

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