Academic qualifications:

09/2009-07/2014 Doctor of Philosophy in Optical Engineering, with distinction, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
10/2011-08/2013 Joint PhD in Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
09/2005-07/2009 Double Bachelor’s degree in Science and in Engineering, with distinction, Tianjin University and Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
Previous academic positions held (with dates):
· since 07/2018 Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
· 09/2017-08/2018 Visiting Professor, University of Paderborn, Paderborn
· 01/2015-12/2016 Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
· 10/2014-12/2014 Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
Present academic position: Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
Main research projects:
· Individual NSFC grant (No. U21A20140), “The design and manufacture of AR display components and systems based on metasurfaces” (2022-2025), RMB2,600,000, PI.
· Individual NSFC grant (No. 92050117), “Novel light modulation mechanism and display applications based on metasurfaces” (2021-2023), RMB800,000, PI.
· Joint NSFC-DFG grant (No.61861136010), “Multifunctional, active and nonlinear optical smart metasurfaces” (2019-2021), RMB 1,330,000, PI.
· Individual NSFC grant (No. 61775019), “Active wavefront engineering based on metasurfaces” (2018-2021), RMB690,000, PI.
· National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2021YFA1401200), “Research on aano-light Source and intelligent metasurface” (2021-2026), RMB 5,000,000, PI.
· Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program grant (BJJWZYJH01201910007022), “Towards meta-devices” (2019-2023), RMB 16,500,000, PI.
Five most representative publications within five years:
· Xu, C.,Zhao, R., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Li, X., Geng, G., Li, J., Li, X., Wang, Y., Huang, L.* Quasicrystal metasurface for dual functionality of holography and diffraction generation. Elight. 4:9 (2024)
· He, H., Zhang, Y., Shao, Y., Zhang, Y., Geng, G., Li, J., Li, X., Wang, Y., Bian, L.*, Zhang, J. *, Huang, L.* Meta-attention network based spectral reconstruction with snapshot near-infrared metasurface. Advanced Materials, 36, 2313357 (2024).
· Jing X, Zhao R, Li X, Jiang Q, Li C, Geng G, Li J, Wang Y, Huang L*. Single-shot 3D imaging with point cloud projection based on metadevice. Nature Communications 13, 7842 (2022).
· Zhang X., Huang L.*, Zhao R., Zhou H., LI X., Geng G., Li J., Li X., Wang Y.*, Zhang S*., Basis function approach for diffractive pattern generation with Dammann vortex metasurfaces. Science Advances 8, eabp8073 (2022).
· Geogi, P.#, Wei, Q.#, Sain, B., Schlickriede C., Wang, Y.*, Huang, L.*, Zentgraf, T*. Optical secret sharing with cascaded metasurface holography. Science Advance 7(16), eabf9718 (2021).
Five representative publications beyond five years:
· Wei, Q., Sain, B., Wang, Y.*, Reineke, B., Li, X., Huang, L.*, Zentgraf, T*. Simultaneous spectral and spatial modulation for color printing and holography using all-dielectric metasurfaces. Nano Letters 19 8964-8971 (2019).
· Zhao, R., Sain, B., Wei, Q., Tang, C., Li, X., Weiss, T., Huang, L.*, Wang, Y.*, Zentgraf, T.* Multichannel Vectorial Holographic Display and Encryption. Light: Science & Applications 7:95 (2018).
· Huang, L.*, Song, X., Reineke, B., Li, T., Li, X., Liu, J., Zhang, S., Wang, Y*., Zentgraf, T*. Volumetric generation of optical vortices with metasurfaces. ACS Photonics. 4, 338-346 (2017).
· Huang, L. #, Chen, X. #, Mühlenbernd, H. #, Zhang, H., Chen, S., Bai, B., Tan, Q., Jin, G., Cheah, K-W., Qiu, C-W., Li, J., Zentgraf, T.*, Zhang, S*. Three-Dimensional optical holography using a plasmonic metasurface. Nature Communications, 4, 2808 (2013).
· Huang, L. #, Chen, X. #, Mühlenbernd, H. #, Li, G., Bai, B., Tan, Q., Jin, G., Zentgraf, T. *, Zhang, S*. Dispersionless phase discontinuities for controlling light propagation. Nano Letters, 12, 5750-5755 (2012).
Scholarships and Awards
2022 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2022 Youth Science Prize, Ministry of Education, China
2022 Mao Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award, China
2021 Shi Qingyun Female Scientist Award, China Society of Image and Graphics, China
2019 Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
2017 Young Scholar of Changjiang River, Ministry of Education, China
2017 Beijing Nova program, Beijing Municipal Commission, China
2016 Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship, China Association for Science and Technology
2015 Jin Guofan Prize for Excellent Youth of China Instrument Society